What to pay attention on when you are new to Rebounding.
The correct feet positioning on the rebounder.
The correct alignment on the rebounder.
Why rebounding is so beneficial to your body.
How much and how often you should rebound.
A three minute Energy-Boost Routine.
You learn a great exercise that trains your upper arms and pumps oxygen into your body.
Everywhere, WhenEver you have time - it's ONLINE!
Testimonials from Online Class participants:
I had two nodes taken out of my left groin in Feb 2014 due to Melanoma and have had lymphedema ever since. Just by doing the intro session (Foundation Part 1), I have been able to keep the swelling to a minimum and I am feeling more energy!
(Sue, Huntington Beach, January 2016)
I wish I would have known about this class when I first started rebounding. I have had my rebounder for a little more than 3 weeks. I know now that I started out way too fast. Now I'm experiencing lower back pain. I learned so much about the proper techniques to rebounding from this class. I watched different rebounding exercise routines on yo tube and came across yours. I feel you really know what you are talking about regarding rebounding for good health and I am already looking forward to Part 2 of the class.
(Connie F. January 2016)
All Online Classes:
Foundation Training Theme based:
- Part 1: Best Practice (7 day Free Online Class, see above) - Part 2: Lymph Flow (14 days class) - Part 3: Stress Release (14 days class) - Part 4: Strong Bones (14 days class)