My name is Sylvia Dreiser Farnsworth.

I am the founder of the QiBounding® method and work

as Rebounding trainer / Training Instructor and body/mind coach,
using a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Since I certified 1983 in the External link opens in new tab or windowF.M. Alexander Technique,
I help people in becoming conscious about their body
and mind and to overcome behaviors that are standing
in the way to optimum health.

My tools include bodywork of which QiBounding is a part.

Together with my work as certified facilitator of External link opens in new tab or windowThe Work of Byron Katie

I offer simple yet  effective solutions for a happier healthier life.

Sylvia Dreiser Farnsworth is born in Germany and has lived and worked in Germany, France, Switzerland, the UK and the US. She is a lifelong student and teacher of body/mind awareness, and was one of the first teachers of the Alexander Technique in Germany.


Sylvia was first introduced to rebounding in 1998, and she immediately recognized its rehabilitative and health-building potential. In 2005 Sylvia moved to the US and became the first importer of bellicon rebounders for North America.


Combining her practical knowledge of many healing modalities, Sylvia created her own method called “QiBounding” which she is teaching in one-on-one training as well as in Online Classes. She also offers a Certification training for those wanting to certify as a Rebounding trainer.

Sylvia's teachings are based on her experience with the following systems and methods:

  • External link opens in new tab or windowThe Alexander Technique® – Sylvia has certified as teacher of the Alexander Technique in1983. She is one of its first teachers of this method in Germany. In 2003 and 2004, Sylvia worked as member of the board of directors of the SLVAT (Society of teachers of the Alexander Technique in Switzerland), responsible for the quality of the Alexander-Technique training given in the AT schools in Switzerland. Sylvia uses the Alexander technique as the basis of all her movement teachings.

  • External link opens in new tab or windowDynamic Rebounding® – Certified as Rebounding Teacher in Switzerland. Sylvia worked closely together with the founders of Dynamic Rebounding, Ingrid Luginbühl and Birgit Buschmann.

  • External link opens in new tab or windowBones for Life® – Sylvia enjoyed the great gift of personal training from founder Ruthy Alon. 2006, Oakland, CA.

  • External link opens in new tab or windowSpiraldynamik® – Sylvia studied Spiral Dynamic movement and therapy in Switzerland with co-founder Christian Heel, author of the movement bible, Movement Systems. 2002, Zurich, Switzerland.

  • Core Process Psychotherapy®   – Sylvia is one of a handful of practitioners personally trained by Maura Sills, founder of Core Process Psychotherapy and the Karuna Institute (UK), 2003, Zurich, Switzerland.

  • Pelvic Floor Training with expert Leslie Howard, 2007 San Francisco, CA.

  • External link opens in new tab or windowBiocognitive Science with Dr. Mario Martinez, is a new paradigm that investigates the causes of health and identifies how our beliefs affect our immune, nervous and endocrine systems and how we can reprogram ourselves for a life in health, abundance and joy. 2014, Berkeley, CA.

  • Today Sylvia is working as Mind-Body Coach by offering in-person training / coaching sessions using Skype or Zoom and by offeringExternal link opens in new tab or window 5-day Personal Retreats at her Center in Naples, Florida.

For those who love American literature: Sylvia is a direct descendant of American's novelist External link opens in new tab or windowTheodore Dreiser.