The mission of QiBounding® is
QiBounding® is the latest evolution of rebound exercise. (See: History of Rebounding) Created in 2003 by Sylvia Dreiser Farnsworth, QiBounding is a highly efficient integrated workout method incorporating body, mind and spirit using a Rebounder or mini trampoline as the workout tool. | QiBounding combines the benefits of Rebounding while focusing on breath and body energy, ![]() In QiBounding, we learn to honor the body and treat it with respect. We develop the skills necessary to understand the signals it gives us and in return, our body rewards us with health, strength and well-being. In QiBounding, we focus on two levels. The first is Body Core. We work on alignment and develop core muscles, strength, balance, and a good body tone. The second level is our mind/spirit. We connect with the 'inner' body through breath and awareness. |
Fun combined with efficiency.It seems as if every form of exercise has its benefits… and its drawbacks: If it’s exciting, it’s high-risk, if it’s safe it’s not cardiovascular. If it targets one problem area it neglects seventeen others. Maybe there’s one sport that would be absolutely perfect…if it weren’t for your trick knee, bad back or sensitive ankle. Plus, there are just so many questions. Is Yoga or Pilates better for core strength? Is running unsafe if you’re overweight – even if you’re in good health? Does swimming qualify as load-bearing? There is one simple alternative which takes into account all of these questions- Rebounding. Rebounding is a revolutionary form of exercise recognized by NASA as one of the most efficient form of physical activity. Use of a Rebounder (often thought of as a “mini-trampoline”) offers the body tremendous benefits; strengthening and supporting virtually every major system of the body. Additionally, Rebounding and its newest evolution called "QiBounding" focuses on the mind-body connection, encouraging conscious breathing and joy. Finally, rebounding is gentle enough that virtually anyone can do it – while receiving great benefits - even a trained athlete will feel and appreciate the benefits. Well, first and foremost, Rebounding provides an aerobic workout which tones the cardiovascular system. But, unlike other forms of aerobics, it doesn’t stop there. The gentle bouncing motion of Rebounding actually stimulates the circulation of lymphatic fluid, the body’s waste disposal mechanism, providing direct support to your immune system. Moreover, the unique surface of the Rebounder itself encourages greater People who use Rebounders regularly have reported a variety of other health benefits, including reduction of pain, increase in energy, and improvements in mental performance. NASA astronauts have been rebounding for years, and found this simple – but extremely effective – form of movement actually strengthens every cell in the body through increasing the G-force load the cells carry. Rebounding offers so many benefits, it’s hard to imagine any improvement. But QiBounding offers the practitioner even greater benefits than Rebounding through its incorporation of breath awareness and focus on the circulation of Qi energy. | Qi is the internal energy which is present in all living beings. Long recognized by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the essence of joy, vitality, and longevity, a healthy, unblocked Qi promotes well being and peace. However, stagnation of the Qi is thought, by many holistic health care practitioners, to lead to infirmity and disease. So Rebounding is great for your spirit and great for your body. But is it great for everyBODY? Virtually everyone who isn’t suffering from an acute injury can benefit from Rebounding. In fact, Rebounding is particularly helpful for people with a variety of chronic problems – gentle bouncing helps create space between the disks of the vertebrae, lubricate painful joints, supports bone density strengthening and improve the structure of the feet. Children love the joyful sensation of soaring, while elderly people or those whose balance is impaired may prefer to bounce with special holding bars. But almost everyone can reap the benefit of Rebounding safely and effectively. |
![]() | Efficiency No more mad dashes to the gym or being rained out of your run. With QiBounding, your Fitness Center is right in your home, available at any time. In five minutes of QiBounding, you can gain as much oxygen as in two miles of jogging. A large variety of exercises allows you to work ALL muscle groups!
Safety When done properly, QiBounding is 100% safe. On a high quality Rebounder - such as a Bellicon - it is even safer than walking! Fun QiBounding triggers your body to produce Serotonin, the "Happy Hormone". After five minutes at the latest, you'll get the 'Smilee' on your face. It's like eating chocolate - but without calories. |