You think this is not possible because you have not time? With Rebounding you can do it all at the same time:
With Rebounding you can easily do all of the above and more at the same time. Rebounding is great fun, brings you instant strength and relaxation, it tones your body and it can help you to solving the issue of incontinence. And on top of all that You can do it TOGETHER with your baby, toddler or child!
Dorothea - 1 year old - the first time on a Bellicon Rebounder
... I had received for the birth of little Avery, my best friend said after I had given her an Bellicon 44shortly after the birth of her little daughter.
Avery was one of those always active babies who never want to sleep, an attitude which had been quite a challenge to the young mother. Today, when my friend bounces gently on her Bellicon - having Avery either on her arm or laying on the rebounder - the soft rhythmic waves calm the baby and let her fall into sleep in a short while.
"Avery really does enjoy her time on her Bellicon. It actually helped her to learn to "roll over". She never complains or cries to get off during her session. Her mother rarely stays on for more than 3 or 4 songs at a time. She will give her rest and proceed if Avery is in a good space", wrote Avery's grandmother when Avery was 6 months old.
Babies very much enjoy this soft rocking movement.
It reminds them of the movement they experience when they were still in the womb of her mother and her mother is walking: this soft up and down bouncing. It also stimulates the development of the baby's brain and its movement coordination.
A blessing not only for the baby!
Rebounding on a Bellicon is not only a blessing for the baby, it also helps the mother - after having given birth - to regain her full body resiliency without investing supplementary time. You can easily learn exercises that you can do together with your baby - exercises that strengthen your Pelvic Floor and your entire body.
Now you can have a great time with your baby and at the same time do something for your own health and well-being.