QiBounding Customer Service
The most important and best health decision that I have made in recent years is upgrading my old rebounder to a bellicon. There simply is no comparison between bellicon and any other rebounder. But the second best decision I made was in purchasing my new bellicon from Sylvia at QiiBounding. Sylvia has the most efficient, dedicated, responsive and completely positive customer service that I have ever experienced. She is knowledgeable, and always ready to troubleshoot imaginatively and professionally until whatever issue I have, however small, is resolved in a beneficial manner. Plus, she's just a lovely person! Do yourself a favor and buy a bellicon rebounder but also make sure that you buy it from Sylvia and not just an anonymous corporate website. It will be the best decision you've made. QiBounding prices are the best you can get on the market and all rebounders bought through her have the full manufacturer's warranty. Allison Harris, West Hollywood, CA (June 2016)
Sylvia, I want to thank you for your CONTINUED GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!! You have really been there for me every step of the way! You made it easy to decide which rebounder I wanted. I'm so excited about my bellicon that I tell many of my patients at work about it. I'm a nurse in "Surgical Services" and I see a lot of sick people who I feel would benefit from a rebounder. I'm looking forward to a healthier life!!! Thank you Sylvia!! Alison Dyson, North Carolina (March 2014)
Bonjour Sylvia, Je te remercie pour tout!!! Tu m'as aidée dans cette démarche d'achat avec laquelle je n'étais pas sûre pour l'achat en ligne!! Et grâce à tes bons conseils et ta patience, j'ai pu compléter ma demande!!! Et surtout me sentir en confiance avec tes bons conseils!!! Pour vendre, il faut absolument gagner la confiance en connaissant bien ce que l'on vend et je peux dire qu' à chacune de mes questions, tu as répondu avec beaucoup d'assurance de tel sorte que j'ai pu faire un choix très éclairé !!! Encore une fois, un immense merci pour ta présence qui a fait une immense différence pour l'achat de mon trampoline!!! Je te quitte car je vais aller m'amuser et sauter en t'envoyant de belles pensées!!! Amitiés, Carole Dulude, Quebec (March 2014)
Sylvia, I want to take this time of thank you for your wonderful service that you gave me and my husband in choosing our rebounder. I had tons of questions as you know and you were more than happy to help us. I cannot wait for Fed Ex to deliver our new beauty. I belong to a Facebook page for rebounders and many people have bought their rebounders from you and were more than pleased in the service you provided as well as I am. Please keep up the good work.Thank you for helping us chose the right fit for us. Again thank you and have a great day. Kay Anderson, St. Paul, MN (March 2014)
Thank you, Sylvia, for your talking to me yesterday about different rebounders and for having such a great website to help a person choose. I look forward to starting Rebounding! Thank you, and for being a positive open person too! Meg B. San Antonio TX (2011-02)
Thank you so very much for your wonderful customer service and demonstrating your care and concern for your customers and for providing video tips on how to best use the QiBounder for exercising. We have looked at your website and watched Rebounding TV several times over the past year or so and finally made the decision to go with a very high quality product. I think the wonderful testimonials on your site speak volumes for your kindness in helping so many people over the years to get up and enjoy exercising again! God Bless you, John & Sylvia Johnson, Jamestown NY
Hello Sylvia, Just want to tell you how I appreciate your energy and the quality you bring into people's lives. I love my bellico and have been telling clients about it. G. is absolutely loving hers as well -- it has given her a foundation for daily movement that she'll actually do because it is fun! She's lost weight and really made some health changes as a result. Quincetta Thompson, Helena MT (2011-02)
Dear Sylvia, Thank you for shipping the Bellicon QiBounder so fast! It looks great; very well made. We are very happy with our purchase. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us on the phone (twice!) and sharing your great knowledge with us. We are slowly easing in into the exercise routine, 1 or 2 minutes a few times a day (except for the kids who aren’t “easing in” at all. They have jumped right in and can’t get enough of it!). We are also glad to have ordered the DVD. It is much easier indeed to watch it on the TV than on the computer. Paula Senna Alonso,Charlotte NC (2011-02)
Bonjour Sylvia, Nous avons reçu le Bellicon QiBounder et nous le trouvons trés beau avec son jolie sac noire. Nous l'avons essayé et la qualité de nos sauts fut merveilleuse. Nous aimons beaucoup ce nouveau concept et vous remercions du fond du coeur pour votre si sincère dévouement. Nous vous prions d'accepter nos remerciements les plus élogieux et notre plus profonde gratitude à votre égard. Marie-France et Thibaud Bachard, Paris, France (2011-01)
Hi Sylvia, I sing your praises frequently to people. I not only think you have the greatest rebounder in the industry, I think you provide the best customer service, provide good online instruction, and have a most informative website. This past week I demonstrated my rebounder to a new health professional I have begun seeing. She is a chiropractor/physical therapist/fitness trainer/nutritional counselor/lifestyle coach, all bundled in one person practicing out of her home with a small gym attached to her house. She has a small rebounder in her gym, but her first response when she got on mine was "WOW!" I demonstrated to her the wide variety of exercises I do on my rebounder, and she was quite impressed. Thanks again, Mary Jo, Berrien Springs MI (2011-01)
Dear Sylvia, I greatly appreciate all the information on your website as it was instrumental in helping me make my decision. (particularly the comparison test results between the different brands). I have been using a Needak rbounder for 10 years (replaced the springs last year) but was very much wanting something quieter. I often want to rebound late at night while the rest of my family is in bed and the squeaking springs annoy them. The squeaking also makes it difficult to bounce while watching TV. I am very much looking forward to having a SILENT rebounder. Thank you for having such a fantastic website and I look forward with great anticipation to my beautiful new piece of exercise equipment. Karen R., Vacaville CA (2011-01)
I have been bouncing now for almost 2 weeks on my new Bellicon Rebounder. QiBounding has become an addiction. I started with fifteen minutes and am already up to an hour. I can go from feeling the world on my shoulders to giggling like a playful little girl within minutes of my QiBounding regimen. Physically I can see everything changing. Everything is toning up and the appearance of girly thigh concerns are diminishing. Happiness, energy and lightness on all levels. I am loving it. Thank you so much for sharing your great knowledge with your customers. Anastasia Fontaines (Actress) (2010-08)
I cannot begin to tell you how amazing I think the bellicon is and what pure joy it brings. Wonderful exercise, but goes way beyond that and really impacts the whole being. Since it is so much fun I find myself wishing I could do it throughout the day - too bad I cannot bring it to my day job... :) Thank you so much for inspiring us and providing the great information through your videos and such. Lisa Perez, RI (2010-06)
I am so happy that my computer lead me to you and your company when I did my research into rebounding. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention to quality and good health. How much better this world would be if more people were as caring as you! Janet F. Bridgewater, NJ (2010-03)
Our bellicon QiBounder just arrived about one hour ago and it arrived in perfect condition! Woo hoo! I just finished putting it together which was very simple and since all the threads were so well protected all the legs screwed on very nicely and my wife Sylvia is bouncing while I am writing you. Thank you so much for your excellent service, I cannot believe it arrived so quickly! We will be watching the videos on Rebounding TV and we will call you if we have questions. I am very impressed with the quality of the Bellicon Rebounder and I can already say that it was money well spent. We are very happy customers thanks to you! You are the best! Grace and Peace to you, Love John and Sylvia, Jamestown NY (2010-03)
Its refreshing to get so much free support for a product I purchased 4 months ago!! Most people either disappear after a sale or want to charge for information. Thanks Sylvia! Cathy G., Marietta, GA (2010-03)
I have received the Bellicon 44 and naturally, it’s FANTASTIC! I would like to thank you for all your hard work and the excellent communication you gave me. I have never received such support and care from any online store or retail shop. Plus the shipping was SOOOO QUICK. The estimated shipping time was just over a week, but instead it came within THREE DAYS! I was blown away. Absolutely blown away! You have enriched my life and I thank you. Steve Buck, Melbourne Australia (2008-11)
Hi Sylvia, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy my Bellicon Rebounder! I've worked up to 45 minutes a day and feel so much more energetic lately. I really appreciated your help & excellent customer service! Sherri Chin., CA (2009-06)
Sylvia - Thank you so much for the great Rebounder. I LOVE it. I have a metal spring one and like it but sometimes it does bother my back. This Bellicon is so easy on my body, I really enjoy using it. I am using it a lot more than I did my spring one. My grandchildren love it too. They are the main reason I ordered it in the first place. It is really fun to use. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR A WONDERFUL SERVICE. Take care, Cheryl Cheryl S., Simpsonville, KY (2009-05)
Hi Sylvia, I love this Rebounder! It's quiet, spacious, colorful and has a great bounce! There is this pulsing, playful, invigorating feeling I get from it. I instinctively could tell that my body and mind likes this, and that it is good for me. Thank you for the great customer service. Sandy Z. Boulder, CO (2008-01)
Dear Sylvia, The Bellicon Rebounder has just arrived! Excellent service :) We are so impressed, not only with the service, but also with the product. We have a Needak Rebounder which my husband has been using, and the difference between the two units is vast. The Bellicon feels like you are bouncing on air! No jolting, just smoothness and lightness. Now I can see what all of the fuss is about! Many thanks again for all of your help. I am off to bounce. Debbie Joy, Pure Skin Care, www.pureskincare.co.uk (2008-07)
The Bellicon QiBounder arrived yesterday in perfect condition. It truly is the "ultimate" ... so smooth, even and quiet. I love it! Thanks for the great customer service. Sincerely Mary Jo L., Gig Harbor, WA (2008-05)
2. Rebounder Comparison bellicon compared with Cellerciser
I have just received my new bellicon. The smile on my face was bigger than the box the bellicon arrived in. It truly is like jumping on a cloud. What a difference from the Cellerciser rebounder I was using! In fact I had to stop using the Cellerciser rebounder for my hips and lower back were aching from it. I noted a big difference on the feeling in my hips and lower back as I bounced on the bellicon, it felt like a massage, so gentle on my body. Thank you so much. Lisa Steele, Calgary, Canada (2011-12) P.S. I sold the Cellerciser Rebounder yesterday.
I absolutely love my new Bellicon QiBounder. I had read it was the Rolls Royce of Rebounders, and it is so true. It is so superior to any other Rebounder I have ever owned and I have always searched out the best and owned many. Thank you for bringing us this incredible gift and giving us the gift of experience and knowledge. Your passion and love shine through. Vanessa M., Palm Desert, CA (2010-03)
I bought a Bellicon 44 some months ago and I absolutely love it. Last night I was at a friend’s, and she had a Cellerciser, and I bounced on it and it was horrible! Like bouncing on the floor! I can’t believe people settle for these hard Rebounders! And that’s supposed to be one of the softer ones?? Hallie (AZ, 2010-08)
Being a rebounding enthusiast, I have owned and used most of the major American brands of Rebounders. All of them spring based, the last one, a Cellerciser, was a notch better than the rest of the competitors. However, when I first stepped on a Bellicon 44, I knew I was dealing with a piece of equipment that was several classes above all the others I used before. I bought it right then and there. Yes, it is very expensive, but what a pleasure! Gone is the incessant screetching of steel springs and you experience the joy of weightlessness in a near silence and you do not want to quit. I sold my Cellerziser on the Craigslist the following day. Why keep an inferior old VW when you have a Rolls Royce in your garage? The funny thing is, now I have to fight my kids for time on the Bellicon, while before they were indifferent to my spring Rebounders. You cannot fool them! Juri Minarik, Oakland CA (2007 / 08)
Hi Sylvia, I am enjoying the Bellicon 44 QiBounder very much - it is amazing how much better it is than the Cellerciser I was using! Thank you again for your help! Liz D. IL (07/2008)
I just love the gentle feel of the bungees of my Bellicon QiBounder . Now, I can't jump on the Cellerciser any longer. It feels like a Wallmart brand next to the QiBounder. Plus, i don't have incontinence with the QiBounder like I do have on the spring Rebounders. Barbara M. Saluda NC (2009/02)
bellicon compared with Needak I am rebounding since 30 years .. never again on a spring based rebounder!. Read the full testimonial
Hi Sylvia, Have only had my bellicon QiBounder for a few days and I just love it! The first time I got on it, I noticed a big difference to my Needak! I love the cardio I get from jumping on my QiBounder and the many exercises I can do on it from Pilates to bone density and muscle building. I have enjoyed all the exercises on the Qibounding Video that i bought together with the rebounder. I will need some practice on the coordination exercises but I love them all. What a fun way to keep in shape at my 68 years young. Also thanks for sending the bone density DVD, I will work on that one next! Thanks for helping me get started on this new way of rebounding!!! Carolyn Roitsch, Hayden CO, December 2012 (remark from QiBounding: Carolyn ordered 2 more bellicons some days after she had received her own QiBounder, as Christmas presents for her family).
I absolutely LOVE my Bellicon Premium QiBounder and could not be happier with my purchase!!! For me to compare the Bellicon to the Needak (which I have used for over 10 years) would be like comparing apples to oranges. In my mind they are not even in the same category. I had quite a struggle allowing myself to spend a thousand dollars on the Bellicon Premium rebounder, but I believe it is one of the best investments I have ever made. I have absolutely no regrets! My husband and son are both using it too, and neither of them would use the old rebounder. The sound of the squeaking springs was too bothersome for them. As you know, this little gem is absolutely silent and there aren't very many pieces of exercise equipment you can say that about! It sits in the middle of our living room floor and is enjoyed by all, at all hours of the day and night. Thank you again for your fantastic website, for without it, I don't know if my family would currently be reaping all the wonderful benefits of our new Bellicon Premium. And in closing, let me just say that the stainless steel is BEAUTIFUL and was well worth the extra $200 for me! Sincerely, Karen R. Vacaville CA (2011-02)
Dear Sylvia, You cannot erase the smile on my face! I'm so happy! I just had my first 10 minutes on the Bellicon, and I LOVE IT! Ohmygoodness! It is such a different experience, from my Needak, like day and night. The Bellicon Rebounder feels like a real trampoline! I have the tiniest apartment, but this baby fits just right in, all I do is stand it up against the wall. Thanks for the professional packaging, shipping and courteous service. It has been a total pleasure communicating with you. Aranka S, Toronto ON (2009/11)
Dear Sylvia, I still so much love my Bellicon QiBounder. which I got two years ago. I recently told my friend about it (she was complaining about lack of exercise and how out of shape she has become). She couldn't believe I spent that much money on a rebounder but I told her it has saved my joints and bones (I had a Needak that just wrecked my ankles and knees before). I told her only go with the best otherwise the money saved would go towards physical therapy and chiropractor visits to rebuild the damaged joints. Drives me crazy how some people want to save a buck and get lousy made products and end up putting the devices in the garage as it caused them so much pain! Sigh.....same goes with food supplements and 'superfoods'.......either get the best or bag it! :)) Janet D. San Rafael, CA (2011-02)
The Bellicon arrived on Tuesday without incident. My timing was good. I had just donated my old Needak to a Senior Center . From the reviews I had read, I was confident that I would really enjoy the Bellicon, so I gave my old Rebounder away before the Bellicon arrived! Setting up the Bellicon was the matter of a few minutes. Last night I tried it out for a good bit and am very happy with it. Of course it looks great, but the bounce is much better than what I had with the Needak. I was never totally comfortable with the Needak bounce, especially when I was trying different steps and motions. The Bellicon allows for a more natural movement when varying your foot positions and trying different bounces. Hard to explain, but you know what I mean. In my opinion, the more natural bounce also makes it a safer Rebounder. Of course, this new Bellicon QiBounder exudes quality and is much more fun than the Needak because of the more natural bounce. Also, I love the quiet, which adds to the feeling of quality. The heavy duty bungee bands are just right for me at 6’2” and 200 lbs. I totally recommend the Bellicon to those who can afford it. The price is not really out of line compared to quality treadmills, ellipticals, etc., and is much more fun and even better exercise. It is also very easy to store when needed; just remove the legs and stick it under a bed! Mike M. Tama IA (11/2009)
Dear Sylvia, My Bellicon QiBounder has arrived and I couldn't wait to open the package and get it set up! I'm amazed at how different it is from the Needak Rebounder I've had - my experience on the Needak now feels like hard work making my body bounce. On the Bellicon, my body is gently lifted yet I feel myself getting a better workout. I LOVE bouncing on it - it's pure pleasure and completely silent. I enjoyed speaking with you on the phone - you were very helpful. You were away when I first contacted you. During the few days you were gone, I spoke with another distributor for Bellicon but I decided to wait for you to return. I sensed from your website that I wanted to work with you and I'm very glad that I did. You were delightful to speak with and I felt reassured that if any questions came up, you would be available. It's also clear that you put a lot of thought into carrying the best equipment and accessories and that you really care about educating people. Thank you so much, Holley Carlisle, Redding, CT (2009/07)
This Rebounder (bellicon 44) rocks! I love it! It's sooo much better than the Needak one I had. It's amazing the difference in quality! I love it! Thank you! Ellen P. Chevy Chase, MD (06/2008)
I love the bellicon bungee band Rebounder.. It's quiet, smooth with a stable feeling and clearly gives a better workout than the Needak that I have. When went from the Ultimate to the Needak, it was like I was on a harsh piece of junk. There is a considerable difference in impact. I can jog just fine on the Ultimate, the only difference being that I have to work harder for it than on the Needak; the Ultimate is a closer approximation to real jogging in form and effort in my opinion; I always found spring based Rebounders to be unnatural for jogging. Then there's the sensation. The Ultimate being a natural feel like what I experience in real life and the Needak feeling controlled/harsh/mechanistic like a "machine". When getting off of the Ultimate it's obvious that I've had a more holistic/3D and extensive workout including to the balance and, it feels like, to the lymphatic system. Craig H., Redondo Beach, CA (2008/05)
Dear Sylvia, The bellicon Rebounder has just arrived! Excellent service :) We are so impressed, not only with the service, but also with the product. We have a Needak Rebounder which my husband has been using, and the difference between the two units is vast. The Bellicon feels like you are bouncing on air! No jolting, just smoothness and lightness. Now I can see what all of the fuss is about! Many thanks again for all of your help. I am off to bounce! Debbie Joy, Pure Skin Care, www.pureskincare.co.uk (2008/07)
bellicon compared with ReboundAir
Thank you, Sylvia, for providing a new level of exercise diversity into my home! I absolutely "LOVE" my bellicon! What an experience! I am 30 years young, in excellent shape, and have been using a ReboundAir quarter-fold for around a year, when I discovered the bellicon. As I approached this new device I was shocked and amazed at the level of difference between these two Rebounders. The Bellicon is simply amazing, with a perfect soft bounce and a silent bungee action, as opposed to the ReboundAir's completely noisy and rough experience. Bottom line is: THERE IS NO COMPARISON! Bellicon is the future of low impact exercise. I use my Bellicon Rebounder for 30 minutes every other day, and must say, for toning it rocks the house. What I love the most is when you get off of it and look in the mirror, I can literally see the difference that the Bellicon Rebounder has provided for my body. And of course, I feel the tone! It's also wonderful to know that I am toning places I can't even see, such as every single cell in my body! The Bellicon rebounders are truly miracle devices, and they take exercise to a whole new level! So I hope this review will be helpful for anyone out there thinking about buying a rebounder. Do yourself a favor and start bouncing today, and feel the vibration and stimulation of every single cell in your body! Again, Sylvia, thank you for this wonderful experience you have brought to me! Chris Joll, Dallas TX (July 2008)
I understood the benefits of rebounding since I did all the research a year or so ago about it. At that time I wasn't aware of Bellicon and bought what I thought was the best on the market, the ReboundAir Quarterfold. I used it a lot in the beginning and then my feet hurt (in the arches) or I just got bored or didn't feel I was getting any results. One of the reasons I bought a rebounder is that I am so short on time in my life and exercise, albeit very important, was always pushed to last and therefore I never really did exercise. The rebounder claims are such that it is 60% more effective than running so I can get more exercise in within a shorter amount of time, just what I needed. Today is my first day using the Bellicon . The main difference I see and feel is that I go a lot lower on my bounce and therefore, I am getting a greater workout, more effort on my part, than I was getting on my Rebounder. I believe that having Bellicon bungee bands specific to people's weights is a huge plus. I can see how I am getting the bounce and resistance I need to get a good workout whereas on my old rebounder, at me being only 105lbs, I wasn't getting a deep bounce that much as the rebounder is made to support all weights and therefore probably a little too strong of springs for my weight to get a better workout. The other thing is that it is overall more enjoyable to use as I watch TV since it is silent and just more fun, so I hope I end up using it more. That was the intent when I bought it.. So I love my Bellicon and am very glad with my purchase so far after one session of bouncing. UPDATE: I have used the Bellicon now for several months and I still love it. It is a joy to work out and easy to roll out of closet and put in 15 minutes of exercise before I go to work. I am very pleased with my purchase. Victoria S. San Carlos, CA 10-2010
bellicon compared with Urban
My bellicon QiBounder arrived last night. I love it. My 13 year daughter loves it too! She wants one for her room!! My husband compared my cheap Urban Rebounder to that of a Kia vs. the Porsche for Bellicon. Thanks for the quick shipment. Lisa C, Duluth, GA (2010-08)
Sylvia, Wow! Thank you so much for your help again. In less than 24 hours I have my new QiBounder! I thought I wouldn't receive it until tomorrow, so it was a pleasant surprise to see it had arrived. I had been using an Urban rebounder, and I can say it is a piece of JUNK compared to the Bellicon. Great craftsmanship those Germans have. I am proud to say I'm half German. Again thank you for your immediate response to my order. Best Wishes, Charles G. Lakehills TX (2010-07) 3. bellicon Quality
I am so glad I decided to purchase the bellicon QiBounder. I had been using a spring rebounder for years but finally stopped rebounding because it was not an enjoyable workout, with the noisy springs and the pounding of my joints when my feet hit the mat. I was not sure that the investment in a Qibounder would be a good one, but, after reading all the information on the website and the testimonials, I decided to take the leap and order one. Wow, what a pleasant surprise!!! Exercising on my new Qibounder is like jumping on a cloud; quiet and gentle on your joints. After only a week, I can feel a new strength in my core muscles and it is a fun workout. Well worth the investment!! January 2012 Janette Balko, Testing Center Coordinator, Southern Oregon University Medford, OR 97501 The quality of the bellicon is above even what I expected. I am extremely happy with the purchase, and what I have watched of the video is also excellent. Looks like a great program and very comprehensive. I think it will address my needs very well!!
Agatha S. NC (2011-7)
I just wanted to let you know that both my husband and I LOVE the bellicon rebounder. (We've had if for a few months.) I actually HATE to exercise--or I should say I used to! The Bellicon makes it fun and I do it almost every day. For me, that's saying a lot. For users that may be a bit older, I will say that, at age 57, when I first got on my new Bellicon, it did feel strange and I totally concur that it's best to start slowly. Moving in a way to which your body is unaccustomed is awkward at first. But you should see me now! I have created a playlist of rock music and I can go like gangbusters for 30 minutes! (I've found that rebounding to music makes a big difference in the amount of time I can go and also elevates my mood. Trying to rebound while watching the news just doesn't work for me. That stuff will suck the energy right out of you!) I wanted to start rebounding to lose weight and just get in better shape. Those two things are both happening (yay!). But there's another benefit that I hadn't even thought about; I was starting to feel a bit clumsy, I think because I was not challenging my body and was just plodding along in my mostly sedentary lifestyle. I'm convinced that I now have better balance and I'm more aware of my body since rebounding. I've purchased many pieces of exercise equipment over the years. (In fact, there's a clothes rack upstairs right now and think there may be an elliptical trainer under there somewhere...) I had almost given in to the idea that I was just going have to accept my aging body as it got pudgier and weaker, although that sounds terrible to me now. Then, I stumbled onto rebounding as a possible exercise/health option and started researching it. I looked at virtually everything on the market, and gave a lot of careful consideration to the Bellicon purchase before jumping in because of the relatively high price tag. Without a doubt, I definitely made the right choice. It's worth every single penny! I love my Bellicon! Thank you! Debra T. Las Vegas, NE (2011-7)
I love my QiBbounder,use it every day. Huge part of the consistent success of my vibrant well being. Thank you for being a part of my daily thoughtful practice. Much love to you. Dante Cernobori (January 25, 2011)
Yippee!! Yahoo!! Yeehah!! Hooray!! Woo hoo!! Yay!! Smiles! Smiles! Smiles! I got my Bellicon QiBounder this morning!!! Hooray!! I love it! I love it! I love it! It's F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S !! I don't care that I don't have a lot of room and I don't exactly know where to put it! I might as well keep it in the middle of the living room!! It's AWESOME!! I love the pink ribbon and the pink bungees, too!! I'm ecstatic! All my cells are happy just thinking about it! Thank you SOOO much! I wish I could just give you a big hug!! Yours truly, Rosemary Barreto Roseville, MN (2010-05)
Hi Sylvia!! Loving my bellicon QiBounder!! Addictive, addictive. . . if I keep that up, I may end up needing to go on a 12-step program: Rebounder's Anonymous. :-) Best Regards! Tiffany W., Atlanta GA (2010-02)
Hi Sylvia, The bellicon rebounder arrived in perfect condition yesterday and was even nicer than in the photo (which I didn't think possible). My wife can't stop looking at it and jumping on it - she still can't believe how quiet it is, and what a different feeling it is. We now understand the meaning of all the testimonials on your website! Steve R. Brisbane, Australia (April 19, 2008)
Sylvia, I was SOOOOO excited when the truck delivered the bellicon TODAY! It took maybe 4 minutes to get it out of the box and set it up. No kidding. A monkey could set this up: unpack, screw in the legs, cover the tips and boom, done. Of course I jumped on it right away. It was HEAVENLY. I bought a Rebounder from a sporting goods store for like $39.95 three years ago. I had NO IDEA this was what rebounding was supposed to be like! WOW. This is completely different than the bounce on the sporting goods version! Like comparing jumping on the bed to jumping on the floor. It’s that different. Wow. I can’t stop saying WOW. The bounce is softer and soooooo much more comfortable, but at the same time I felt like I had a much better work-out. My entire office staff of 5 is going to use this everyday, so we’re ALL excited! Thanks for carrying such a great product! I am really glad that I went for the Bellicon instead of one of the other Rebounders I saw on the web. I really investigated every one of them, and yeah, they were about 1/2 the money, but I’m certain that I now own the one that’s the best for me! Please feel free to share my name and phone number with anyone who wants a reference. Also, just as an aside, you were terrifically helpful in describing the various options, how to jump on the Rebounder, etc, and the shipping was fast! I’m glad I got the little instruction sheet, too! Best wishes,Anne Cohen [email protected] Tel 212-330-8337
I want you to know that I am truly enjoying my Bellicon 39. It's great fun, and I am now up to 20 minutes a day, (in 5 minute increments) and just love it. I won't let anybody else on it...hehehe...shame on me, I know, but it's mine, mine, mine!! I love that it fits into my space easily and can be used whenever I feel the mood, it's a great piece of equipment for me because I tend to be on the computer too much, and sit all day, and this way I just hop on there and get my exercise in. I'm so glad I found you and your Rebounder!! Thank you again...:) Warm Regards, Linda E., San Juan, Puerto Rico (2008-08)
My rebounder is utterly delightful and I am so excited that I finally bit the bullet and purchased it! Talk about joyful jumping- I was flying on that thing today! My dad saw it and said, "Wow, that's a really high quality trampoline." The quality of the frame was immediately apparent to him. I wanted to thank you for it. Rebecca H. Escondido CA (11/2009)
Just wanted to let you know that we absolutely LOVE the Bellicon! My 10 year old son felt like he was flying! Thanks again.Vicki, Australia (2009-04)
We are rebounding every day and my wife says that buying the Bellicon 44 was the best purchase of anything that we have ever made! Lynwood Murray, Miami Beach, FL (2008-11)
I had used an American Rebounder for the last two years. It had become noisy and squeaking and finally three of the springs snapped. Going from this unit to the BELLICON Rebounder was like switching cars from a VW Bug to a 12 cylinder Bugatti B110 sport car. When you said "after using the BELLICON, you won't want to go back to other Rebounders" - well it was an understatement. It is clearly the BEST made. I can state that the workmanship is SUPER. The BELLICON does, what no other Rebounder does: It just plain puts the FUN back into rebounding. Best investment anyone can make for their health. Thanks for getting these "Instruments" into the US market. Peter Drexler, Rosemont, PA (2007-03)
Of the dozen or so types of Rebounders that I have tried, from the very worst to the very best, the Bellicon 44 is the very best. Once you get on one of these, you'll probably never want to go back to a spring-based Rebounder. If you can afford it, and want to try a type of exercise that can easily morph into an integral practice, then this is what you want to go for. Jordan Gruber, CEO of enlightenment.com (2005/10)
A few years ago, I almost gave up on rebounding, due to the disappointing workout I got on a highly touted spring suspension Rebounder. Fortunately, I kept looking and discovered the Bellicon. The bungee cord bounce is super smooth and so quiet. It is such a pleasant change from the noisy springs and uneven bounce on my other Rebounder. I have been thrilled with the relief from muscle aches and arthritic pain that a workout on the Bellicon provides. I feel so fortunate that I was able to learn about the Bellicon. I'm convinced that it is among the finest fitness products available. Best personal regards, Barry S. Alexandria VA (2008-01) The difference between my new Bellicon and the cheap spring Rebounder it replaces is dramatic. Gone are the creaks, squeaks, harsh bounce and shoddy construction of the spring Rebounder. Instead I now enjoy the luxurious plush silent bounce, along with the precision construction and elegant design of the Bellicon. Rebounding is a great exercise, made that much greater by Bellicon. Andy LaVerne, Jazz Pianist, NY -- www.andylaverne.com(2008-01)
I received my beautiful Bellicon Rebounder yesterday. I love it!!! It is so very different from my previous Rebounder. I truly cannot believe the difference. I am so glad I made this choice. Lisa Griffin, Preston, MS (2007/06)
The quality of my Bellicon is unlike any other Rebounder I have ever seen. It is just perfect. I like it a lot. I am glad that my friend recommended it to me. Thank you, Sylvia, for bringing it to the US. Harpreet Sandhu, San Jose CA (2006-08)
Thank you so much for expediting the special request on the bungee color. I am loving the bounce so much. The effect is nothing like the effect of the other two Rebounders I used to own. Thank you so much. Robin S., Walnut Creek CA (2009-01)
I am extremely pleased with my Bellicon Rebounder. The quality is unsurpassed, and it is a joy to use: quiet, stable, and supportive. I experience immediate enhanced well being on all levels, which I experience to be cumulative. Rebounding on the Bellicon is now an integral part of my health program. Liz Seim, Shasta Supplements, Shasta, CA (2006-04)
Very few individuals introduce a product of innovative technology that is intrinsically useful to so many. Thanks for contributing to this country's available exercise and physical therapy technology. I wish you the greatest success and happiness. Mark S. Bocca Raton, FL (2008-06)
I am extremely happy with this Rebounder and I thank you for selling it to me. Thank you. Kim T. Montreal, Canada (2008-06)
Hi Sylvia, I just replaced all my Bellicon Rebounder's bungee bands with no help or assistance from stronger arms in just a few minutes. It's as easy as you said. This procedure is much more intensive with a spring loaded trampoline. When a spring broke I had to wait and have a man replace it for me. Love this new independence. Marsha Fickas, Discovery Bay, CA (2008-08)
I got the Bellicon 44 last week-end, and love it! ! You are right, it feels so much different than the one from Sports Authority. I go from one to the other sometimes to remind myself of the difference. Sharana Muller, Elmhorst, IL (2008-11)
| Abdominal Strength
To me the beauty of rebounding is that it's so instinctively effortless. I wake up in the morning in a sleepy state, head over to my rebounder and 40 minutes later I'm as awake and energized as if I'd had a coffee. It's been 7 or 8 weeks now, and I have firm thighs, a higher butt and completely flat stomach - not a single sit-up required! My skin looks firm and I have better posture - and more mobility in my hips. I even find I am walking differently - with a freer swing to my hips. I love that I've achieved this with very minimal effort - basically I just jump about and dance to music! Occasionally I will hold light hand weights. Twelve years ago, I did pilates - but it was expensive and time consuming - I had to book special appointments, travel to the studio and concentrate very intently on performing the exercises. I loved pilates, but it didn't fit so well into my lifestyle after I had children. I didn't feel I'd ever find an exercise I liked so much which would give me a great body shape, reduce my stress, and invigorate me without leaving me feeling so exhausted and drained that I'd have no energy left for the rest of my day. I was wrong - rebounding has proven to be a fantastic substitute. Aside from walking, there has never been an exercise I have wanted to do every single day. Rebounding makes me feel so great to be alive! E.C. Australia (2010-03)
Sylvia - I have already told you about the amazing results I have been receiving concerning my bad knees and the Ultimate bungee and now I would like to share how my body has changed from rebounding. I have been doing daily rebounding sessions lasting anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour now for about 6 weeks. I feel like I've been watching time-lapse photography because the changes that I have been experiencing have happened so quickly. I need to let you know that the only exercise I get is rebounding. Prior to starting to rebound the only thing I did was regular walking outside. My whole upper body has gotten significantly bigger - to the point where my undershirts have gotten uncomfortable and I had to buy the next size up. I do use 3-lb hand weights quite a bit while rebounding - but that's the only upper body exercise I do. Also, my legs have slimmed down noticeably - my butt has gotten much tighter and smaller and my leg muscles have become more defined - especially the calf muscles. And last, but certainly not least, my abdominals have gotten so strong! I do some "butt bouncing" which really hits the Abdominals directly, but that is really it. Most of the development has come just from bouncing and jogging in place on the Rebounder. The best part is - it's so much fun to do! I have been a life-long exerciser (marathon runner, body builder, competitive tennis player) and really thought that at age 52 I would only be able to walk because my knees are so bad. Rebounding has brought the joy back into my life because I now have a way to exercise vigorously and still have my knees feel great. It is allowing me to have the body I used to have back again. Keep up the great work in getting the word out about rebounding and what an amazing form of exercise it is! Ben McCurry, Atlanta, GA (2008/02) Hello Sylvia, Thank you for taking time out to speak with me about the Bellicon Rebounder. Years ago, I purchased a "cheap" Rebounder for $ 40.00 - used it for a while and just stopped because it wasn't fun and I really didn't feel very good after jumping around. This year, I decided to invest in a piece of quality exercise equipment. As soon as my Bellicon Rebounder arrived, I immediately took it out of its box and started to bounce around. At first, it was a little dizzying. However, I persisted and have been using it first thing in the morning. Slowly I have increased my workout (fun) time over the past 2 weeks. In just this short period of time of about two weeks (from July 7 - 24, 2008), I have noticed - as well as my husband - that my leg muscles are becoming defined/toned and my stamina level is increasing. To keep myself upright, I have also noticed that my back and core (abdominal) muscles are also toning.This is amazing and so much more fun than any other piece of exercise equipment I have used. I LOVE my Bellicon and would recommend it to anyone - I even have my parents coming over to use it. The bounce is so soft, it is relaxing. Thank-you for finding and importing such a high quality Rebounder !!
Yours in Health, Nadina A Scarpelli, Canada (2008/07)
Arthritic ConditionWe just wanted to say thank you and to let you know how impressed we are with the bungee Rebounder. From the initial conversations we shared, emails back and forth, the final ordering process, and ultimately receiving the Rebounder - it has been flawless and a fantastic experience in short order. Funnily enough, this purchase has turned out to be the perfect exercise platform for my wife (she battles a painful arthritic condition daily). The Rebounder enables her to exercise without ANY joint pain period! Not only is this a godsend but a relief after trying so many other types of exercise. If only I could turn back the clock and find your product sooner. She is quickly adding minutes to her work outs and feels better each day – it’s truly amazing. Stephen B. WA, (2008-9)
- A few years ago, I almost gave up on rebounding, due to the disappointing workout I got on a highly touted spring suspension Rebounder. Fortunately, I kept looking and discovered the Bellicon. The bungee cord bounce is super smooth and so quiet. It is such a pleasant change from the noisy springs and uneven bounce on my other Rebounder. I have been thrilled with the relief from muscle aches and arthritic pain that a workout on the Bellicon provides. I feel so fortunate that I was able to learn about the Bellicon. I'm convinced that it is among the finest fitness products available. Best personal regards, Barry S. Alexandria VA (2008/01)
Autism- I love that Bellicon bungee Rebounder, because my son uses it a lot and I can see that it's filling in a need. I did not mention to you that he has Autism and special sensory needs. It's also quiet which is good for him and for me. C. E. Flagstaff, AZ (2008/12)
Back & Joints- I have my bellicon since 2015 and I still love it. I credit jumping on it and practicing Qi (Sylvia's teaching of QiBounding) for sorting out the muscle / soft tissue discomfort, tension and pain in hips and legs that I was experiencing two years ago before I started rebounding. The gentle yet stimulating movements on the bellicon are comforting, invigorating and strengthening. Even my fitness instructor cannot believe how much core strength I have developed. I am so happy to have started and to continue QiBounding. Sandra Schroeder (Oct 2017)
- Recently, I read Dr. Robert Young's book on weight loss and he has an entire chapter devoted to the benefits of Rebounding. I had back pain and carried more weight then I felt comfortable with. So I finally decided to use my Bellicon to break through the discomfort and heal. For the past 3 yeasr I had tried numerous methods (Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression. Physical Therapy, Inversion, Massage, Acupressure, Infrared heating Pads, Yoga, Dao in, Cleansing & Detoxification Programs, Stretching and Swimming) to relieve lower back pain. Nothing has made a difference. - I have now been using our Bellicon regularly for the past two months and I am really enjoying it. So far, my back pain has decreased noticeably and my flexibility has increased, too. I was also having pain in my arm with reduced mobility and that also has improved by at least 50%. i can actually feel my arm and body strengthening now. The bouncing movement is healing my entire body and I am losing weight and inches much easier and faster than with any other exercise program. IT'S WONDERFUL AND IT WORKS!
Lee Papier, Irvine CA (08/2009)
- I love my Bellicon 44. I have numerous athletically related joint issues and the Rebounder is by far the best piece of fitness equipment I have ever purchased! NO joint pain following a workout! WOW! Thank you! Bellicon is truly a superior product. You know this as soon as you step onto it's surface. It has been a delight conducting business with you. Thank you once again,
Jayne Irvington, NY (2008-10)
Hi Sylvia, I love my Bellicon rebounder. It's part of my daily workout. I feel so much better. The pain in my lower back is going away and my feet and calves have become stronger not to mention the wonderful feeling you get from rebounding. I really felt in love with my Rebounder. Thank you again.Marguerita P. NY (2007/12)
Hi Sylvia, I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying the Rebounder. I've only been using it about two weeks and today I had a wonderful discovery. Every morning I do Yoga warm up exercises. One of them is to curl my back forward, while standing, and then uncurl back into a straight position. This has always hurt me or at least made me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I've wondered if I was damaging my back. Today I did this and it felt fluid. No discomfort. I felt like my back was liquid and it flowed into the curl and back again. The only thing I have changed is that now I am rebounding every day. Isn't it wonderful?! I am thrilled. Margit B. Hilsboro OR (2008/01) I received my Belllicon Rebounder. Wow!!! What a great piece of equipment. I love it!! Such great quality; and it is so easy on my back and joints. Thanks so much. Sonya V. , Morinville, Canada (2007/09)
Bone Density - OsteoporosisFantastic instruction...thanks so much. I felt very encouraged to hear the comments about bouncing and bone-building! After rebounding for a year and a half for my own Osteopenia, my bone density is back to almost normal. Elisabeth Brann, Richmond CA (2006/04)
CancerWithin the past month I found out I had pancreatic cancer. I am 58 years old and otherwise in excellent health. I had been using my rebounder daily and vigorously since the day it was delivered. I have had surgery to remove the cancer and will begin chemotherapy and radiation soon. The cancer was caught early, it had not spread into surrounding areas and my lymph nodes were clean. I believe exercising on my rebounder has kept me strong and helped the lymph system do it's job in ways it may not have been able to do otherwise. My recovery from major surgery has been phenomenal. No one can believe how good I look and how quickly I have regained my strength. I know I am blessed in so many ways. I also know I have much work ahead of me, but with the support and love of family and friends and my extraordinary will to be strong and healthy I will get well.
N. D. Myrtle Beach, SC (2010-02)
Depression, Stress & Boosting your EnergyI've been very busy with work & night classes at the university but wanted to drop a note and let you know that I'm really enjoying the Bellicon 44.
I usually jump for 30 minutes in the morning and another 30 minutes after work or before classes. No matter how tired a person may feel, after a few minutes on the rebounder you feel energized. I also didn't realise how light this unit was compared to my old rebounder that fell apart.. Robert Jones, Calgary AL (2010-02)
Hi Sylvia, just wanted to let you know that I received the QiBounder this past Tueday and have already spent a lot of time on it. It is wonderful andafter jumping, for some reason I can't explain- I am in a much better mood. Just wanted to say thank you, also I like your regular emails and have been keeping up with the QiBounding training as well. Thanks again- Cindy, Baltimore MD (2010-8)
Heart Rate & CirculationHi Sylvia, I just wanted to tell you a very wonderful result I got from jumping on my Bellicon 44. Before I started rebounding I was borderline hypertensive. My blood pressure was up to 154/93 at one point. Then I started rebounding. I just took my BP. It's now down to123/79. I couldn't be happier. Thank you so very much for this wonderful product. Another positive result is from a friend of mine. She found that massaging her lymph nodes before rebounding to be very painful. Then she started rebounding. Guess what. The pain went away. Gary Kotros, Easthampton, Ma, (2009/03)
I thought that I would drop you a quick line of thanks. I have finally begun a program of rebounding on my Bellicon Rebounder. I'm at 15 minutes a day and shooting for 45min./day every morning. My energy level and circulation in my lower legs has improved greatly. After each exercise, my legs feel fantastic and I have energy like I took a 20 mile bike ride. Scott Barrett, Oakland CA (2007/08)
Dear Sylvia, I cannot tell you how amazed I am with both of my new Bellicon Rebounders!! Today, on the Athletic, I had the best aerobic workout I've ever had on a Rebounder: the firmer more stable mat was perfect! I was able to attain optimum heart rate in just 3 minutes; had an average of 82% maximum heart rate for 30 minutes (with a high of 87% -- 136 - 145 beats per minute), which is a perfect range for me! And I had none of the normal strain afterwards in my hips, knees or feet which I had been experiencing on my ReboundAir Rebounder. I felt unbelievably great afterwards! And bouncing on my Bellicon bungee Rebounder three times a day is having an extraordinary impact on my whole nervous system and Chi Body -- I am totally "blown away"!!! I am very grateful for your expertise in understanding exactly what would best serve my needs. Thank you so much!! Love,- Jon Jon Bernie, Contemporary Zen Teacher - San Francisco CA- www.sf-satsang.org (2007/02)
Incontinence / Kegel Muscles /Pelvic Floor I received my Bellicon bungee Rebounder about 4 weeks ago--it is AMAZING. I am someone who did not exercise regularly ... only every now and then. With the rebounder, I can't walk by it without jumping on it. It is MORE fantastic than I imagined in terms of the FUN factor--I actually look forward to exercising now because it is fun and feels so good. I had never rebounded before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I am gearing up for an extreme hike and needed something that would help to get me in shape...I found the Bellicon by researching on the Internet after reading an article about rebounding. Well, not only is it doing that but it is helping me to get more work done in a shorter period of time because I have LOTS more energy!!!
When I first began jumping, I realized that my "Kegel muscles" (pelvic floor) needed so much work.....Within jumping just a few minutes a day for the first two weeks - I saw a DRASTIC improvement and no longer had to stop jumping to run to the bathroom -- WHAT AN ADDED BONUS! I see now why your mission is for people to take charge of their own health car - it is true....there are SO many benefits to rebounding. Our house is filled with tile so noise travels easily. When we jump on the Bellicon - it is whisper quiet. I come out to use it and my husband is already bouncing on it. We actually find ourselves waiting for one person to stop bouncing so the other can have a turn...and have raced to see who can get on it first....it is that fun! At first my husband wondered why invested the money into it .... now he totally understands and adores working out in front of the TV! Eva in Arizona (2009/12)
- I just love the feel of the Bellicon bungee Rebounder . When I now jump on my old Cellerciser, it feels like a Walrmart brand next to the Bungee.Plus, I don't have incontinence with the bungee Rebounder like I do have on the spring Rebounders. Barbara M. Saluda NC (2009/02)
Knees & Joints
The Bellicon Ultimate Rebounder is simply the finest quality mini trampoline you can buy. It offers serious and essential health benefits by not jarring your joints, especially your knees. It has really worked for my wife's ruined knees, ruined from brutal cross-country running abuse - and we can give a key testimonial as to how she could not jump at all on those "jarring" Rebounders out there - until the Bellicon came along. Kurt H. Port Chester, NY (7/2008) I put one of my patients (6 surgeries between both knees) on the Bellicon Bungee Band Rebounder. She absolutely loves it! It's a hit! More to follow... Angela T. Flight commander, Surgical Services US Airforce (2007/11)
Sylvia - I have been wanting to let you know about the amazing results I have received from using your wonderful Bellicon Ultimate Rebounder! First of all, let me say that I am 52 years old and have bad knees. Since I started rebounding daily on the Ultimate bungee, I have noticed a significant increase in strength in my legs and my knees in particular. It is so much easier to get up and down from the floor now than it was before. As a matter of fact, last weekend I spent 3 hours cleaning my apartment which requires me to be up and down off the floor continually between scrubbing and dusting. When I finished cleaning, my right knee was very achy and sore and I almost didn't rebound because of it. But I decided to just do some gentle bouncing and see how it felt. To my great surprise I noticed the pain go away very quickly - and I ended up rebounding for almost an hour and some of the time I was doing very vigorous moves like jogging with high knee lifts!! When I got off the rebounder, my knees both felt great - all the achy and sore feeling was gone like magic! I feel very strongly that this was due to the lymphatic pumping action that naturally happens during bouncing. All the inflammation was literally flushed out of my knee, leaving it feeling brand new. I also feel strongly that the Bellicon bungee is much more helpful with bad knees than the spring-based Rebounders (I have one of those too that I use in conjunction with the bungee during workouts). The softness of the bounce is incredible at absorbing almost all shock yet still giving a vigorous workout. I can't imagine there will ever come a day when I won't want to bounce on my Ultimate - it's like floating on a cloud. Thank you for bringing these wonderful toys to the US!! Ben McCurry - Atlanta (2008/01)
LupusHi Sylvia, I had been very sick with Lupus (auto-immune), had lots of fatigue and lost much muscle mass. I was still searching for alternatives when I got the Bellicon Rebounder, just didn't want to lose more muscle. After about a year, I did begin a protocol of bio-identical hormone therapy. Not estrogen replacement, but a comprehensive profile. Its actually only one hormone I added, Pregnenolone. The doctor I work with had extensive research showing that many Lupus diagnoses are made coincidentally around the time onset of menopause. This was my "lucky" breakthrough. I have a whole new body really. And the Bellicon Rebounder is one of the keys - I am convinced. Especially for someone who was in my condition and couldn't go to a gym. It gave me the chance to build my courage, not just my stamina. It helped me to begin to see myself healthy, and lo and behold, I'm living it now! Thanks for our auspicious meeting!
Celina Cadenas Oakland CA [email protected] (11/2009)
Lyme diseaseI am still enjoying my Bellicon, and am amazed that I don't get injured using it. I have Lyme disease and my connective tissue is very compromised at this point in my life, I can injure myself sleeping and I am not a thrasher. Even on bad days I can simply boinga boinga without leaving the mat and swing my arms a little, thereby increasing circulation of blood and lymph as well as decreasing the stiffness and pain in my connective tissue, bones and joints even when my knees are swollen up like basketballs I can still use and not hurt myself. Amazing!!! Diane R. Oakland, CA (06/2008)
 Lymph flow / Lymph-Edema- Hi Sylvia, Good work with your videos! I am loving my Bellicon as i get used to it and stronger i am bouncing longer. The trance state i get in makes me happy all day and i feel agile, energetic, light, fast and very toned. My immune system feels better too. I feel clearer, i could feel my ear open up as if some toxins were draining out by the end of my 30 min bounce session this morning. Its the first thing i do when i go outside, i bounce under a tree on a hillside around nature. Its the best way to greet the day. Thank you, Truth....
With Lymph-Edema in my feet I had bought my Bellicon Rebounder in December 2007. Almost every day, I did a 2 mile "walk" on it a and several times per day I did the health bounce. In 6 months, my ankle has gone from 11" to just under 9" and while I wear the firm compression knee highs to work - if the weather is hot - I can take them off now when I get home and on weekends. I absolutely LOVE my Bellicon - thanks so much!! Jody J. Auburn MI (06/2008)
I just wanted to tell you a very wonderful result I got from jumping on my Bellicon 44. ....Thank you so very much for this wonderful product. Another positive result is from a friend of mine. She found that massaging her lymph nodes before rebounding to be very painful. Then she started rebounding. Guess what. The pain went away. Gary Kotros, Easthampton, Ma, (2009/03)
Tinitus and Inner EarWhile everyone knows that correlation does not prove causation, you might be interested in knowing that a health issue of mine has stabilized since I started rebounding. The problem involves excessive lymphatic fluid pressure in the inner ear. This causes hearing loss and occasionallysevere tinnitus. I originally bought a Rebounder because a friend suggested it as a way to improve health of the lymphatic system. The problem has not disappeared but is much less severe than I was experiencing before rebounding. My doctor can't say if Rebounding has made the difference but he did recommend that I "continue doing what I've been doing". Pete K. Portland, OR (2010-03)
Weight Loss
40 pounds weight loss through rebounding in only 5 months

Recently, I read Dr. Robert Young's book on weight loss and he has an entire chapter devoted to the benefits of Rebounding. I had back pain and carried more weight then I felt comfortable with. So I finally decided to use my Bellicon to break through the discomfort and heal. For the past 3 yeasr I had tried numerous methods (Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression. Physical Therapy, Inversion, Massage, Acupressure, Infrared heating Pads, Yoga, Dao in, Cleansing & Detoxification Programs, Stretching and Swimming) to relieve lower back pain. Nothing has made a difference. I have now been using our Bellicon regularly for the past two months and I am really enjoying it. So far, my back pain has decreased noticeably and my flexibility has increased, too. I was also having pain in my arm with reduced mobility and that also has improved by at least 50%. i can actually feel my arm and body strengthening now. The bouncing movement is healing my entire body and I am losing weight and inches much easier and faster than with any other exercise program. IT'S WONDERFUL AND IT WORKS! Lee Papier, Irvine CA (08/2009)
Hi Sylvia, As you know, I purchased the Bellicon Rebounder December 07 after reading on the website it helped a woman with osteopenia. I was concerned about whether it would adversely impact my hips in any way. I'd only had experience with the inexpensive spring type trampolines and their impact is sometimes quite harsh and can cause unwanted aches and pains. Eight months have passed and I can say I have grown to anticipate my daily air glide exercise regime of 20 to 30 minutes, on my rebounder. Now I am limber and happily ache free but I was blown away a couple of weeks ago when I decided to slip on a pair of pedal pushers I'd not had on for a few years, the waist had grown too tight for a comfortable fit. This time, thanks to daily dedication on my nifty rebounder, the waistband now has room to spare. I tried on a few other questionable pants and suit skirts and had the same great surprise. All in all, my legs are rock solid, my hips are trim, and my waste has gone down. Thank you for my wonderful Bellicon Rebounder! Marsha Fickas, Discovery Bay, CA (08/2008)
I loooooooooooooove the Bellicon Bungee rebounder. Do it pretty much every single day. My 9 year old daughter also absolutely loves rebounding. She does it daily, usually a few times throughout the day. In 4 weeks she released 10 pounds going from 104 to 94 pounds! Her 'little girl belly' has gone away and she's feeling great about herself! Aleesha S, Canada (07/2008)
Toddlers to Teens
I received the Bellicon rebounder today and can tell you that it is a HIT in my house! My teen daughter loves it, my 3 year old does and my husband says he can see how this can really get the blood pumping. I cannot wait until I can jump for longer periods of time! Love it!! Pam F., Quitman TX (2010-02)
My two children (ages 7 and 9) love rebounding on the Bellicon (as do I) - a great start to two young lives! Fiona N., Moorestown, NJ (2009-06)
I loooooooooooooove the Bellicon Bungee Rebounder. Do it pretty much every single day. My 9 year old daughter also absolutely loves rebounding. She does it daily, usually a few times throughout the day. In 4 weeks she released 10 pounds going from 104 to 94 pounds! Her little girl belly has gone away and she's feeling great about herself! Aleesha S, Canada (07-2008)
Just wanted to let you know that we absolutely LOVE the Bellicon! My 10 year old son felt like he was flying! Thanks again.Vicki, Australia (2009-04)
I love my Bellicon. Great product!! Even my 9 month old granddaughter loves it. Terri R. Upland, CA (06-2008) I LOVE my Bellicon Rebounder, as does our 3 year old granddaughter! Kathleen B. Oakland, CA (06/2008)
Our Bellicon Rebounder has been a huge hit and help for our six year old's strength. He loves it, spends a lot of time bouncing while watching TV, and has greatly improved his balance and core strength. Thanks again. Walter C. Newburyport, MA (06-2008)
JoyRebounding on a QiBounder is more than an exercise: It is a truly joyful experience which stimulates your whole system. Hi Sylvia, I just got my QiBounder! 10 minutes out of the box I was jumping on it. All I can say is. . .I WAS BORN TO REBOUND!! LOL! I LOVE this thing! Within less than 3 seconds on this Bellicon, I was grinning and laughing like a big kid. This will be perfect for my home office since I sit a lot a a computer. The beatiful thing? I plan to jump at least 5 minutes (probably closer to 10 as I see an addiction already forming) on every hour to keep the leg muscles efficiently pumping fluid back to the heart. Thanks for such a great delivery!
Yours in health. Tiffany (2010-5)
I just received the Bellicon QiBounder this morning and set it up. I LOVE it! It is so much fun! I just felt so happy on it. There's something so lovely and childlike about bouncing up and down - it reminded me of bouncing on my parents bed when I was small. I stayed on it about a half hour this morning. Meg Hoberman, New York, NY. (2009-07)
I cannot get enough of the Bungee band Bellicon Rebounder! It has been only a couple of weeks since I got it and my body already craves rebounding. It is addictive. I used to find excuses to not exercise; now I am looking for excuses to go jump on my Rebounder! I wanted a fun exercise and I got that and so much more. It is an absolute joy to rebound on the Bellicon Ultimate. I guess that is what jumping on a cloud is like. I realized I am not just exercising on my bungee Rebounder, I am thriving! I cannot thank you enough, Sylvia, for bringing the Bellicon Rebounders to the US. You definitely got my Qi dancing in delight throughout my whole body! M. Bells, Tampa, FL (2007-02) I was introduced to QiBounding by Sylvia several years ago. I love it. I am a post-polio patient and with my disabilities I am limited as to what activities I can participate in. When I purchased a Bellicon Rebounder I also purchased the support bar and it opened a new world to me. Together with my "Bouncee" and a CD with some of my favorite tunes, I am able to bounce 20 to 30 minutes in one exercise session, and what a difference it makes.
My legs that are often tight and aching benefit by a stretching that occurs to the back of my legs and helps me tremendously. My joints, especially my knees, feel so much better without the usual pain and grinding. My mood.....well the "Bouncee" is a wonder drug. When I spend my 20 to 30 minutes on the "Bouncee" three to four times per week, it seems to activate my endorphins and I feel so much happier and alive. I often suffer from fatigue and when I am faithful with my "Bouncee", I have an increase in energy. One other thing I have noted is my appetite seems to be less when I do a regular workout on the "Bouncee". I would recommend this type of exercise to everyone. If I can do it being disabled....anyone can do it. It's both fun and good for me."Jacqueline Wright, Naples FL (2006-11)
For me, QiBounding is listening to my body's rhythm as well as connecting to my spirituality. I use QiBounding to escape from drama and enjoy being in the NOW with my own inner child.Joanna Jones, Naples FL (2006-02) I love the Bellicon Rebounder!! It is so much fun and it doesn't feel like work at all (like a treadmill). I can feel my body buzzing after I
use it... I'm addicted. Thank you so much! Nora, East Dennis, MA (2007-10)